Already a month old

Dear family, On Monday I'll be one month old. I can't believe time can go by so fast…After my super smooth arrival in this world, I've been really enjoying my parents company and my mommy's sweet milk. Mrs Chee, the lady that auntie Dana sent us to help us with breastfeeding said I was a barracuda and addicted to my mother's breast. Today I went to the doctor's and they told me I am 3.4 kilos, so I'm getting stronger all the time and taller. My aunties and uncles in Hong Kong always comment on my big hands, feet and long limbs. Since the weather now is so good, I've been also doing a lot of walking in my sling with my mother. We go to Bowen Road and also we visit friends. The other day I was with my auntie Isabel buying clothes for my mother, when I did a big poo and it was so explosive that it got out of my diaper and stained my sling…my auntie had to wash it in the ladies and it was a bit messy…but she didn't care because she loves me tons.Yesterday, we went to my mother's book club, but nobody could focus on the book because everybody wanted to hold me and kiss me. I actually don't mind the attention. It lulls me to sleep. That's all. I hope to meet you very soon. In the meantime you can see photos on my webpage and by the way, call me León. I´ll also have to tell my parents not to call me Leoncito, especially now that I´m so big.