Struck by lightning in Limpopo

Over Thanksgiving weekend, when most South Africans are still working, we arrived in the most wonderful private lodge in Limpopo after a 3 hour stormy drive from Joburg. 
This begs to reconsider the refrain 'there's safety in numbers'. Just think... while at the main lodge, a massive thatched pavilion candlelit from the blackout provoked from the crazy storm, we dined on ostrich steaks sheltered and hosted by friendly Limpopoans. Being the only guests, our table was appropriately placed in the very center of the lodge. Afterwards, we strolled over to and settled into our African-themed huts and collapsed from the day's preparations and driving. The thunders lulled us to sleep. 
The photo below was our sight on our first morning's game drive, and even Steven, our tracker and manager of the lodge could not figure this one out. After a crowd of vultures dispersed, there was revealed, three dead zebras; lined up next to each other 'execution' style. Predators, snakes, poisonous plants, and poachers were all considered and finally ruled out. Who or what had been the culprit?   


Of course, the eyes are the first to go; a delicacy for scavengers. Although at first glance, seeing the empty sockets recalls some ceremonial vodun, it was a bit chilling.    

León was fascinated with such a site and perhaps relieved when the vet confirmed the zebras were struck by lightning. He was happy it was nature and not a man made killing. Being so close to animals in Africa is making him question all the time where his food comes from. When we were presented with a feast of wildebeest steak that night, he was definitely not impressed!


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