Arts on Main Cool Market

There is so much to do in Joburg. It is overwhelming. There are markets, concerts, art galleries, outdoor cafes and country restaurants.. and a lot of shopping, cultural sites and beautiful parks. One of our favorite things though is going to Arts on Main Market downtown very close to a pretty dangerous neighborhood called Hilbrow (once a very nice middle class area, only for white people). Arts on Main is as the creators behind it describe it as a  cultural hub known for its mix of galleries, artist studios, restaurants and yummy food on their Sunday Market.  It is part of great initiatives going on around Joburg city centre to claim back older buildings, refurbishing them  and get rid of violence, and the insecurity by bringing artists, students, businesses in and hence create employment etc... My explanation is simplistic and perhaps not too accurate, but please read the link I provide and you´ll be able to learn much more!

If we like it is because you can meet people from all races, all walks of life and all ages too. That was our first outing in the city after our arrival. We fell in love with the art, the people and the food. And we made our first friend through delicious  macarons made in Joburg. 

Heidi Dodd, the mind behind the Arts On Main macaroon stall is a former Hong Kong expat and wine entrepreneur that found a new profession in Joburg as a pastry chef. Please email her if you want to impress your friends with macarons or any other sweet creatiions. Heidi is  classy lady that won't disappoint! We took 3 dozens to a baby shower and it was a great success.

I said we fell in love with the people, but I think a lot of people fell in love with León and Luna. León was kidnapped for a little while to participate in an impromptu photo shoot for the fashion blog of some of the coolest design students we have ever met.  They gave me their card, but I have unfortunately misplaced it so I haven't been able to see León featuring in one of their blog posts. Anyway, I took some pics of the photo shoot, so enjoy!

met our  


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