Not a baby anymore

I thought I'd write a little and let you know that life as a toddler is even better than life as a baby...the fact that you don't have to nap every ten seconds really opens a whole new realm of possibilities and things you can do! Now I'm only napping once a day at about noon!! I guess the fact that I can walk, run and jump (well, elevate onto my tippy toes anyway) also contributes...I can even get on my new tricycle all by myself...I can't ride it on my own though but now they make them with a big handle at the back so that your parents can push you without breaking their backs... Now that's 'win-win'!

In terms of food I can also explore just about anything even if at the moment I am cutting the molars...My favorite things are French cheese and bread and chocolate! My pepere and memere sent a package with Lavender Chocolate from Cape Cod and I could not get enough of it! I even tried almonds and macadamia nuts the other day from my Mom's mouth, very nice, just like a penguin!
Also, since by now my parents are well used to me, somehow they don't feel that same old urge to take a zillion pictures a day. When I was smaller, I thought life meant having a palm-sized flashing machine perpetually between my mom and me... but now I see her face so much more! I would say in the last two months they have hardly taken any. So, have I lost that celebrity status? No! On the contrary, my auntie Isabel who comes about once a month from Beijing to visit me, still behaves in a flatteringly compulsive way in matters of the camera with yours truly the object of the lens...
So yes, I'm looking forward to Halloween..I'm going to be dressed up as a pirate and I'll attend a party at Gymboree! After Halloween, I'm going to spend 5 days with my Dad alone because my mother is going to Mumbai for a conference. I think auntie Rukshana will be also there and will show my mom around her city. About how my father and I are going to's going to be interesting to find out. You see, I've taken my mom's presence for granted. I mean. She's always been there with me and for me; while my dad on the other hand works on the other side of the world and only seems top make a lasting appearance on the weekend! Sometimes I wake up and he's already gone! 
Anyway, I think If things get a bit messy (like me wishing mom was putting me to sleep), at least Roshani said she´ll be on call . She croons these Singhalese lullabies until I hear soft wind blowing through the swaying palm trees on Sri Lankan beaches and my eyes shut by themselves.  
I took a 'music' class the other day... it was based on the Beatles' music... We had to sing along, dance and use all sorts of percussion instruments all led by this overly caffeined, squeaky voiced instructor who I suspect was counting the minutes! Well, despite everything, I thought it was pretty cool I know my dad loved it, he was coincidentally wearing his 'Revolver' shirt, his new favorite T. He's a huge Beatles fan with all the tunes on his I-Pod. Which brings up another topic, I'm a fan of technology and I pretty much highjack my mother's and Roshani's I-Pod every chance I get and turn them on and off whenever I want on the I-pod stereo speaker. Talk about computers, laptops and mobile phones and you can see my face light up! Anyway, I wonder if it's just a phase... 
I'm going to be 14 months very soon and I only look a day older... That's from John Lennon, one of my mom's and dad's favorite jokes! If you ever speak to me on the phone be sure to say 'Hola' and see if I say it back to you! ciao for now.   


Anonymous said…
¡Hola, León! TE QUEREMOS.

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