The World we live in!

Louise and I playing with our identical toys

Auntie Sally and uncle Drake at Thanksgiving
Auntie Sally is my piano teacher. In this pic, I'm playing for all who attended their Thanksgiving dinner
My uncle Elias is Swedish. He's also my neighbor and I see him every morning before he and auntie Sophia leave for work
First of all, I should let you know that my Mom came back from Mumbai safe and sound but we were all shocked to hear about such terrible things happening there merely a week after her return... all of our friends there are well, but my parents were very sad since such violence can be the result of human action and reaction. Of course, I still can't concentrate, focus, or even begin to understand and talk about such matters... but believe me, people my age, which is now 15 months, can quite accurately sense mommy's and daddy's emotions.
Anyway, I was a bit naughty while my Mom was away. I didn't sleep through the night like I'm supposed to. How can I help it? I confess... I'm not in the best of moods if I happen to awaken and no one's around. So I cry and they come! Whose fault is that? My Mom says that it is a bit unfortunate that I used to sleep so well when I was younger and now I wake them up at 6 am every day and impatiently demand to be fed. Mommy thinks I shouldn't be fed till breakfast but my Dad says that if my liking for milk is getting stronger, they should indulge it even if I pretty much love everything out there which is edible!!
It was a pity I had to leave our Thanksgiving dinner early... Auntie Sally and uncle Drake invited me for dinner and I went with my parents. I played the piano for the guests, had some nuts and freshly pressed cider... and just when we were about to sit down for dinner, I couldn't find my name card on the table! I looked and looked. There was mommy's , daddy's, Father Paco, this guy John, Coralia and her husband but no Leon. OK. Point taken. Stay for a half an hour, 'entertain' everyone while they shower you with 'he's so cute' this and 'he's so clever' that but when it comes time to pass the sliced breast, stuffing and gravy... that horrifying compound noun springs up all over... 'bedtime'! Sure, I protested... but their hardened souls ignore my pleas and pretty soon the elevator doors come to a soft close and Roshani and I are headed for the bed routine!
On a positive note, my parents are happy that I can entertain myself for a long time now, make 4 piece towers with my wooden blocks, play with my LEGO or my Dad's tools, kitchen utensil, appliances and just sing to myself and feel happy. I´m also growing very strong and I weight more than 11 kgs (around 25 pounds) an measure 82 cm!
There's actually just 2 weeks left for me to see my grandparents from Spain. First Mom and Dad are going to meet them in Beijing. They'll spend 5 days with Isabel, Rosa, Lisa and my Chinese grandparents. This is the first time they go back to Beijing after having lived there for a year in 1999. They are super excited and my Mom's Ipod is on mandarin mode and it keeps on talking in Chinese. I'd prefer to listen to Helene Bohy (French songs that Louise offered me as a birthday gift), but my Mom says that practicing my Chinese is very good for me too because eventually I´d also like to speak with all my Chinese friends in their own language. I understand that and don't really fight it. I already speak Spanish with Mom. English with Dad and Singhalese with Roshani and Louise. Since she also has a nanny from Sri Lanka, we are often the 4 of us exploring and singing in singhalese.
My Mom says that I should tell you about when Louise and I meet. We always get super excited when we see each other, we drop whatever we're doing and just run to kiss each other. It's really cute to see according to the adults who see us! For us it's just natural, like sharing rice crackers or our little strollers where we carry our toys. We still don't know if our relationship will develop in the more like a cousin category or she'll become my steady girlfriend.
Anyway, my grandparents will finally return to HK for Christmas Eve. In Hong Kong it will be me showing them my favourite spots like the playground in HK park, the best one because it has a big sandpit and I can bring my beach tools. You can also find cranes and slides that are more that 6 metres long. I´ll also be taking them to Victoria Peak Garden, a faboulous lawny park where I actually cebrated my first birthday. I´ll also take them to Macao because the Cirque du Soleil has a permanent show in the Venetian Hotel...we´ll see! I´ll post pictures and all. In the meantime, keep well and Have the Most Wonderful of Holidays!
Video of me having fun and perhaps not being very cool at taking turns yet!