It appears as if I'm living in an 'age of discovery', although for most people, my discoveries would probably only qualify as merely mundane. But for my fresh notebook mind, such revelations are the peak of entertainment. For instance, last Sunday, my parents took me to a family style, Italian-American restaurant replete with 'That's Amore' and the like, songs in the background. They had taken me to many restaurants before, but let's just say I wouldn't really embrace the whole idea of having to sit still with so many other things going on around me. This would compel them to take turns eating and / or take me around for a spin... there are so many nooks and crannies to explore and so many people to say 'hi' to in restaurants. That is, until last Sunday...
As soon as we arrived, the waiter welcomed us with a great high chair facing the Soho escalator... prime people watching vantage point. So, if the view of the passersby coming and going wasn't mesmerizing enough, they also placed a box of crayons and some paper before me to color! Were they mind readers?! Then I heard my parents mention a 'kiddies' menu' which meant a whole selection of goodies... just for me! I ordered chicken nuggets and fries and my mom and dad got a plate of pasta carbonara and we all enjoyed them for more than 2 hours. The pasta was the best!  The burgundy mantel piece was made from this space-age water repellent material and when I would pour a little water on it, drops of water would form and you could actually 'push' them around with your finger as if they were marbles, I've, of course due to my age, never seen anything like it! That was really fun. My Mom had tears in her eyes because she knew it was the beginning of new era, me appreciating eating out, different foods and restaurants.
My Dad took a video in which I dip all my fries in ketchup, lick the ketchup and repeat the operation many times; ketchup rules! Another scene is when my face grimaces while trying the honey-mustard sauce and also there's one of me eating the spaghetti with my hands and I'm even seen buttering my bread. I was going to have some tiramisu for dessert, but the fact that it was an American restaurant was quite explicit in the portions. I guess that's what 'Italian-American' means... Italian food with American portions! By the time I had finished the chicken, I was really full..., so I'll have to go back next time and order dessert first.
My parents say that I should also mention in this post that I speak tons, full sentences in Spanish and plenty of English words, like all means of transportation, for instance. I also love singing and dancing and hanging out with my friends with our cars, motorbikes, tricycles and trains. Also, my Dad says that I have a great sense of humor and a great laugh. He said it was so naturally joyful and bubbly... and I'm not even trying! We just joke around together all the time, laugh till it hurts and tickle each other non stop. I can't wait to see what the next weekend will bring!  


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